John Levack Drever
is a lecturer in composition at Goldsmiths, University of London. He is a co-founder and director of the UK and Ireland Soundscape Community (affilieted to the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology) and director of Sonic Arts Network. He regularly presents his work internationally in a wide range of contexts from concert hall to specific sites, most recently Orford Ness and Goodwin Sands. Much of his work is collaborative, including projects with Laurence Upton, Louise K. Wilson, Rachel Gomme, and Blind Ditch. His work has twice been awarded a prize in the Musica Nova competition, Prague. Commissions range from Groupe de Recherches Musicales to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. His work demonstrates an ongoing inquiry into enviromental sound and human utterance.
„Phonographies of Glasgow – Underground“
„Phonographies of Glasgow“ is an electroacoustic soundscape oscillating between abstract and everyday worlds. Field recordings the composer made whilst traversing the public spaces of Glasgow are mixed, re-framed and re-presented. The 5th movement, Underground, leads the listener on a journey through the Glasgow Subway.
„Phonographies of Glasgow – Underground (6’21)“ was written for drift: a festival of sound art + acoustic ecology, in Glasgow, November 1999, curated by Robert H. King.