The Sound of Snow and Ice | Various Artists
GrDl 112 | MP3
A collection of pure field recordings of snow and ice around the globe.
Abinadi Meza
Title: -5F, Duration: 2:11, Date: 2007
Notes: This is a pure field recording made of snow falling onto a 10 quart soup pan lid with contact microphone attached. The sound of snow shovels and trucks can be heard in the surrounding ambience.
Bio: Abinadi Meza is a sound artist based in Minneapolis, USA. He often works with field recordings and sonic architectures.
Please visit
for more information
Adriano Zanni
Holyday on Ice – San Vito di Cadore – Italy – December 2004
Anders Östberg
Walking on a frozen pool of water.
Recorded december 2004 in Sweden. Equipment: Edirol R-1 with internal mics.
Ben Owen
title: cm,s1, time: 3:00, location: brooklyn, NY
description: contact mic being burried in falling snow. recorded in 2004.
mono contact mic and sharp sr-60 md recorder.
Ben Owen & Brooke Hamre Gillespie
title: 20061204, time: 1:32, location: brooklyn, NY
description: we take a walk in Mc Carren Park to find autumns first ice.
ben owen:
brooke hamre gillespie:
Carlo Giordani
30 Jan 2005 I buried 2 piezo mics in the snow, where people usually went skiing. I recorded a few minutes of the noises they produced with their steps or ski.
Cedric Peyronnet
1. & 2. sound recordings of a layer of ice which covers a river (Hydrophone recording).
3. sound recording of ice brok eby a small boat.
Curt Olson
Lake Ice Booming (1:00) In December 2004, I asked the Nature Recordists e-mail list if any participants could offer advice about capturing sounds made by lake ice. List member Rich Peet, who also lives in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, responded with specifics about a rare ice-booming phenomenon he’d been chasing for a couple years. A few days later, the ideal weather conditions he outlined came together, so the two of us went out after it. Gingerly stepping out onto the thin ice of a suburban St. Paul lake, this is what we heard.
Recording equipment: Sony TCD-D7 DAT recorder, Shure Beta58 microphones in a modified ORTF array.
HarS (Harold Schellinx)
title: 19980106_Schnee
duration: 3:00
location: Pla d’Adet, France
„A 3 minute extract from a monophonic dictaphone cassette recording (with lapel microphone) made during a snow walk in the woods near Saint-Lary / Pla d’Adet in the french Pyrenees, in the early afternoon of tuesday january 6th, 1998 …“
Jacob Kirkegaard
Recording of an ice surface during hard storm. This 20 minute recording session was carried out on 7th of january 2004 on Lake Havravatn in Iceland. An Accelometer was stuck into the creaking ice, enabeling us to listen to how the wind would move the ice in various rythmic patterns. Frequency peaks around 15khz. What came to my ears was a neat but crispy creaking, appearing from the whole surface of the lake, that was moving in sensitive vibrations to the wind. It was interesting to hear the whole body of this lake in sound, and how it moved by the power of the wind. A beautiful sonification of a snow storm!
Jai a.k.a. tetsuo takahashi
I recorded the sound of the frozen snow which I took the bike over by stethophone in Sendai city, Miyagi, JAPAN. Stethophone is a handmade microphone based on stethoscope. I put it on a front fork of the bike – look the attached picture.
date: 9 jan. 2007, recorder: EDIROL R-1
Jean François Cavro
This is a short sequence recorded a few years ago at lake Genin in the French Jurà, not far from the Switzerland border.
Jörg Koch
Titel: Anja wirft einen Eiszapfen auf einen zugefrorenen Tümpel
Datum: 16.12.2006, 14:36
Ort: 48°16’56.05″N – 9°34’0.76″E
Gear: Edirol R09
Keith de Mendonca
1. „Ice heel“ – Some initial banter about switching on the microphone followed by the sounds of thin ice being crushed underfoot in a street in Stockholm.
2. „Snow kicking“ – kicking at a large pile of compressed snow in the street, and then squashing and compressing some softer snow underfoot.
Lasse-Marc Riek
Recording from the performance „circle in snow“, alajärvi, finland, 2003 Exerpt of an long walk around my stereomic´s on the lake alajärvi in middle of finnland. (between -20 an -30 degrees celsius) One walk per day, 7 day´s in January 2003.
Luigi Turra
This records is small sound of ice water and in a cave captured in the winter 2006.
Maksim Shentelev
„melting ice“ – is a recording of piezo microphones frozen into a piece of ice and brought into the room, where placed in the water causing cracking.
recorded in Riga, Latvia, during winter 2006/2007.
Marcel Türkowsky
1. „Eisspiel“
This aural document is an excerpt of a fieldtriprecording i did in January 2006 with some friends. We were spending a day around a small lake in the north of Germany. It was an extremely cold but bright blue day with a mysterious sun, almost lemonlike and shivering. The whole lake was covered with an icesurface. A bunch of iceskaters made there rounds. Their skates always hitted the surface which probably made these whaly sounds i was wondering about for a long time. Crossing the ice we ended up to a really quite place. This spot was close to the shore where i installed the microphone in a birchtree leaning over the icelake… „look, the tree could fall into the ice in every moment“, i remember me saying. After we sat down and started playing with the ice.
2. „Schollen“
On the 2nd of december 2005 i had a walk to the Treptower Park, a big park sharing its shore with the river Spree which runs through the east of berlin. Close to the shore where you usually hear the boats taking of for their journey there was nothing but the sound of swimming icepieces. There where arriving and leaving like the boats do and found their own ways.
Marcus Obst
unterbecken – frühling, sommer, herbst und winter
Martin Clarke
Ice recording from the shetland islands, dec 2004.
Michael Peters
steps in the snow. recorded in early 2002. Hebborn/Bergisch Gladbach/Germany.
Patrick Franke
1. january, 27, 2007, 10am, Elbe´s bank near Torgau (Saxony, Germany),
excursion of the ornithologically club leipzig, snowstorm, open field, a peregrine (Falco peregrinus) attacs a group of thousand eating gooses.
2. january 31, 2007, 9 am, park „Volkshain Stünz“/Leipzig, (Saxony, Germany),
circa 15 mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) try to walk on 3 millimeter slim ice or to swim through it. in background a European Green Woodpecker (Picus viridis)
and a Eurasian Nuthatch (Sitta europaea).
Phil Julian
Contact microphone recording of thawing ice made 26th December 2006.
Robert Curgenven
Title: Air Escaping from Snow – Date: New Year’s Eve 2006 – Location: Shikoku, Japan
By a road in the hills near Kazubashi (on the island of Shikoku in Japan), as the air temperature shifts at sunset, snow melts slowly – creating small sounds as the air softly escapes the snowdrifts in the channels. Small pockets open beneath the surface as snow melts, allowing trickles down the hillside. Half an hour before, a small squealing noise could be heard, which ceased as the air temperature further dropped.
Recorded while staying at:
Robert Hershenow
Douglassville PA, USA
On the eve of St. Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2007, a big snow and ice storm visited the Philadelphia area. A fair amount of snow had fallen during the night. By early morning ice crystals were falling, and the wind was blowing them against the windows. I captured the sound using a Sharp mini-disk recorder and two small condenser microphones placed on the window ledge.
Roland Etzin & Lasse-Marc Riek
Ice crusher, Field recording of Eyla, Kahn, Scott-Cisco, at Wildpark Alte Fasanerie, Klein-Auheim/Hanau/Germany, 28/02/2005.
Scott Sherk
1. The recording was done over one day last winter when then sun quickly melted the snow on the roof of my barn studio that had fallen two days previously. The drips changed frequency over the course of the day and eventually gave way to big slushy clods of snow dropping to the ground. It all took place in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania on an unseasonably warm February day– another example of glabal warming. The recording was made with Shure WL-183 omni mics into a Sony Hi-MD.
2. This recording was made on the morning after a snowfall in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. The township snowplow was at work along the road clearing an intersection. I was enjoying the different sounds my boots made in the snow as I walked along a frosty creek with water rushing along its frozen sides. The fire siren calls out reverberating across the valley. It was a cold, brilliant winter morning as only happens after a snowfall. I recorded with Shure WL-183 omni mics, headmounted, into a Sony Hi-MD.
Additional info is available at
Information about my three-dimensional work is also available at
Sean O’Neill
This is a recording made while sifting through shavings of chiseled ice and snow at the Ice Hotel in Jukkasjarvi, Sweden. December 2005. (1:11)
Yannick Dauby
This is a field recording about snow and ice in 2006.12.30, in the park of datong, shanxi, china. The sound is about the workers of the park who are cleaning the snow and ice.
Free Download: The Sound of Snow and Ice (.zip)
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Audio: Various Artists
Gruenrekorder, Frankfurt am Main, 2007 | LC 09488
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence.