Review | By Guillermo Escudero / Loop
Pressure | Markus Mehr
The German composer and musician Markus Mehr released several rock albums between the 90s and 2000s. But it was in 2006 when he made a turn and focused his work on experimental music that began with his album „Lava“ (Hidden Shoal Recordings, 2010).
“Pressure” is a warning about the lack of respect for the environment in concrete construction, where sand, as an inherent material in concrete, is running out. Its character, naturally or artificially reduced to very small particles of metal or mineral, is similar to the work carried out by Mehr, who uses field recordings of concrete domes, construction noises and earth movements, to microrecordings of hardened concrete and seismographs recordings of collapsing buildings. All these recordings are the base material that Mehr manipulates, deconstructs and twists with his electronic devices. […]