Stéphane Garin


Stéphane Garin

has collaborated with musicians and dancers such as _ Olivier Bernet (soundtrack for the film “Persepolis” by Marjane Satrapi), Black Sifichi, Pascal Comelade, Carl Craig, Julyen Hamilton, Pierre-Yves Macé, Thierry Madiot Moritz von Oswald (Basic Channel), Shua Group (New York), Wax Taylor… has performed with symphonic orchestras (Brussels Philharmonic, Pau Pays de Béarn Orchestra, Orchestre philharmonique de Radio France, Opéra de Rouen, Les Siècles…) directed by Pierre Boulez, David Robertson, Léon Fleisher, François-Xavier Roth or Fayçal Karoui…


He is also a member of the ensemble Dedalus directed by guitarist Didier Aschour.


Since 2005, he has started a collaboration with visual artist Sylvestre Gobart:  a phonogrpahic work about the memory of extermination during World War II in France, in Poland and in Ukraine.


He has played live in La Cigale, La Grande Halle de la Villette, Grand Rex, La Cité de la musique (Paris), Confort moderne (Poitiers), at the Printemps de la Photo (Cahors), at the Festival Sons d’Hiver, Les Instants chavirés (Montreuil), L’Olympic (Nantes), Centrifugeuse (Pau), at the Sol Del Río Arte Contemporánea (Guatemala City)… in Asia, Europe and USA.


Stéphane Garin & Sylvestre Gobart: “Gurs. Drancy. Gare de Bobigny. Auschwitz. Birkenau. Chelmo-Kulmhof. Majdaneck. Sobibor. Treblinka” (Gruen 085/11)