Rodolphe ALEXIS


Rodolphe ALEXIS

(French b1975) – His work is based on field recording, electroacoustic composition, radio pieces and site-specific installations or performances.
From 2008 onwards he began developing a personal approach towards bioacoustics and phonography. His interest in anthropology and biodiversity has increasingly led him to question how human activity impacts our environment.


Since 2004, he has been one half of OttoannA, a sound performance duo with Valérie Vivancos. They have performed in a wide range of events, venues and festivals in France and abroad including the Bridge Festival (BG), Leroy Neiman Gallery (NYC), International Exhibitionist Festival (London), Citysonics Festival (Mons), Camberwell College of Arts (London), Territoires Electroniques Festival (Aix en Provence), Palais de Tokyo (Paris), Mudam (Luxembourg), CNEAI/Point FMR (Paris), ElectroCNAM Festival (Paris), Kontakt Sonores (Chalon), Festival Sonor (Nantes), La Générale (Paris), Festival Présences Electronique (Paris). After more than 7 years of undocumented performances, Ottonna’s debut album is about to be released.


In 2004, he co-founded (again with Valérie Vivancos) Double-Entendre, a non-profit organisation supporting the production and promotion of sound art events and editions, including the cd-magazine Vibro / (launched in 2003). To this day, Double-Entendre has published the work of 42 international sound artists through the Vibrö collection, various solo albums, and the “Autumn Leaves” book co-published with CRISAP and edited by Angus Carlyle.


As a sound recordist and sound designer he is currently working for motion design productions, corporate videos, TV documentaries, institutional structures and Museums.


on Impulsive Habitat:


Rodolphe ALEXIS: „The glittering thing on the mountain“ (Gruen 158/15)
Rodolphe ALEXIS: „MORNE DIABLOTINS“ (Gruen 139/13)
V.A.: “Somewhere on the Edge” (GrDl 100/12)
Rodolphe ALEXIS: „Sempervirent“ (Gruen 111/12)